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Autographed Books Available NOW!

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You may be good, but are you SAVVY?

So you’re talented, well trained, and passionate about music. What next? The professional marketplace is flooded with outstanding musicians, forced to compete for a shrinking number of "traditional" opportunities.


SUCCESS requires much more than talent and luck!


Whether hoping to augment your income, stand out from a competitive field, add variety to activities, or erect an empire, savvy musicians find ways to thrive under any circumstances.

The Savvy Musician helps balance three overriding aspects of a professional musical life:

  1. Building a career

  2. Earning a living

  3. Making a difference

This book helps you take control of your career by discovering opportunities that are both prosperous and meaningful. Filled with clearly articulated concepts, detailed strategies, and 165 vignettes about actual musicians working to create a meaningful and prosperous career, it examines critical elements often overlooked or misunderstood by musicians, such as entrepreneurship, product development, branding, marketing, networking, the new recording paradigm, personal finance, funding, relevance, and legacy. 

The Savvy Musician is an invaluable resource for performers, composers, educators, students, administrators, industry employees, and others interested in a thriving musical future.

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“In an age when many say the arts are dying, Cutler writes to musicians with authentic and accurate optimism. I loved The Savvy Musician, and my students love it too!"

Jeff Nelsen

Horn, Canadian Brass

Professor of Music, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music

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