17 MELODY tracks.
While notes and rhythms performed by violinist extraordinaire and Suzuki educator REBECCA HUNTER remain true to the original, she makes each piece “her own” by adding personalized elements such as fresh articulations, colors, and ornamentations.

17 MELODY tracks.
While notes and rhythms performed by violinist extraordinaire and Suzuki educator REBECCA HUNTER remain true to the original, she makes each piece “her own” by adding personalized elements such as fresh articulations, colors, and ornamentations.

I replaced this image
in my opinion the multi-color violins
took quality away
from the site, most importantly the image
was very low-res
Feel free to replace with any other high-res image.

Special thanks to the amazing supporters who made this collection possible!
Daria Adams
Bruno Alcalde
Ruben Alonso Ferrer
Associació del Metode Suzuki de Catalunya - AMSC
Valerie Arsenault
Dami Baek
Andrew Bailey (Suzuki at Madison Street)
Tim Ball
Alain Barker
Jessie Barnes
Paule Barsalou
Bobbi Bartle-Clar
Gail Bauser
M Bean
Heather Bentley
Baiju Bhatt
Joanna Binford
Steve Wilder Blumenthal
Leah Bogue
Luiz Botelho-Gomes
Christina Brandle
Natalie Brejcha
Corina Brito
Dirk Brown
Brooke Wonsetler Browning
Kirsten Browning
Anne Brüggemann
Katharine and Beau Bryan
Kristen Burk
Anna Caban
Javier Calderari
Kristin Campbell
Tina Cantrell
Tom Cantrell
Adrienne Caravan Lavengood
Nic Carlucci
Julianne Carney-Chung
Fernando Carrillo
Aarun Carter
Sergio Castro
Sara Caswell
Dennise Cherkauer
Vicki Citron
Fabiana Claure
Meghan Coil
Sarah Coley
Catharina Colpaert
Melissa Combe
Cecilia Alegre Coo
Andy CostelloCaravan
Rebecca Crenshaw
June Crosby
James W. Cutler
Pat D'Ercole
Faye W. D'Ippolito
Richard D'Ippolito
Carol Dallinger
Adam Davidowitz
Caitlin Robbins DeMass
Aaron Dent
Alexandre Desjeunes
Katie Dey
Diana Davidson
Drew Dillhunt
Amber Dolphin
Rick Dorfer
Danielle Dotson
Sylvia E
April Ebeling
Haylie Ecker
Rhea Edelman
Sue Edwards
Susan Eldridge
Jens Elfving
Sherry Ellis
Erin Boyette Ellis
Naomi Engle
Erika Cutler
Carmen Evans
MA Fairlie
Esther Fellows
Jesús Fernández
Peter Ferry
Rachael Fischer
Northern Virginia Preludio Strings
French Forbes
Laura Frazelle
Janice Friedman
Nora Friedman
Christina Friend
Kimball Gallagher
Susanne Garber
Carol Gauper
Laura Geissler Violin Studio
Elizabeth A. George
Leila Ghaznavi
Brandon Gibson-DeGroote
Goldberg Family
Rae Ann Goldberg
Christine E Goodner
​​Marion Goodrich
Lesley Gore
Scott Gottfried
Amy Greer
Greytak Family
Jean Grieve
Karyn Grove-Bruce
Clemens Gruber
Scott Grunsted
Kari Gunderson
Avni Gupta-Kagan
Lisa Guttenberg
Araceli Hackbarth
Zane and Sloane Hemphill
Jennifer Parker-Harley and Mike Harley
John Harris
Sarah Hart
HEBISD Suzuki Strings
Ann Heide
Jean Hein
Terri Goulard Henningson
Andrew Hitz
Michael Hoover
Rob Howell
Bonnie Hudson
Miranda Hughes
Pamela Hughes
Edith M. Humphrey
Mary Javian
Elizabeth Jones
Stephanie Judy
Julia Freund
Emily Kalish
Susan Kane
Daiva Karazijaite
Adam Karp
Susanna Klein
Ruth Klein Cook
Ruth Klukoff
Anita Knight & Joyful Sound Violin Studio
Loy Koch
Edward Kreitman
Ross Kribbs
Charles Krigbaum & Daina Staggs
Susan Kuhn
Lance LaDuke
Ann Lam Music Studio
Meg Lanfear
Kari Lapins
Kathleen Lavengood
Sandra Lefenfeld
Andy Lentz
Lydia Leong
Samantha Leung
Sallie Leverenz Lund
Diane Levine
Margaret M. Lioi
Linda Litwin
Clara Logue
Marina Lomazov
Nick Luby
Isabella Lucia
Carol Lustig
Jennifer G. Lyford
Rebecca B. MacLeod
Sumara Marletta
Michelle Marrocco
Jennifer Martens
Luis Martínez
Ted Masur
Zachariah Matteson
Ken May
Lucia May
Nicole M McKenzie
Suzuki Music Studio of Mt. Pleasant, MI
Sarah Mitchell
Sarah Mitchell
Judy Mitoma
Ann Montzka Smelser
Christina B. Morton
Melissa Nabb
Anne Nagosky
Ilona Naumova
Juan Carlos Navarro Gimeno
Mary Cay Neal
Jose Hernandez Neel
Marcia Neel
Camille Day Nies
Wynne Nuernberg-Park
O’Connell Family
Nonoko Okada
Tiffany Osborn
Jose and Devon Oviedo
Vera Parkin
Kelly Parkins-Lindstrom
Amy Florence Paster
Rachel Patrick
Gretchen Pearson
Janka Perniss
Brian G Pertl
Jack Pettit
Elizabeth Peyton
Linda Piatt
Matt Pickart
Daniela Pierson
Monique Pinelli
Carson Poe
Vit Polasek
Melanie Pozdol
Susan M. Radloff
Dave Ragsdale
Dr. Tina Raimondi
Marva Rasmussen
Laura Reed
Resonance Music Studio/Ruth Roland
Melanie Rios
Drew Robertson Music Studio
Julie Robinson
Dan Rodowicz
Jenny Christensen Rohr
Rojas School of Music
Ruth Roland/Resonance Music Studio
Margaret Watts Romney
Jennifer Rosenfeld
Meg Rosson
Samuel Runolfson
Shinobu Saito
Julia Salerno
Amber Sander
Kathryn Satoh
Janice Scharf
Jackie Schmidt
Lauren Ellis Scott
Rebecca Shaffer
Jenny Shaw
Mengwei Shen
Erin Shinderman
Elizabeth Silver
Diana Silverman
Maverick Music Inc.
Joan Skoczen
Kiersten Smith
Laurie Sommers
Vicki Soo Hoo
Sharilyn Spicknall
Alice Steinke
Michael Stepniak
Shana Stewart
Junko Takahashi
Akemi Takayama
Jennifer Taylor
W. Tekeste
Stanford Thompson
Karla Tievsky
Regi Topol
Jennifer Turbes
Aaron Van Heyningen
Benjamin Van Vliet & Alicia Casey
Mandi Vance
Andrea Vercoe
Vicki Richards
Yasmin Craig Vitalius
Carol Waldvogel
Shannon Walker
Kevin "David's Favorite Student" Walko
Rosemary Walsh
Tingting Wang
Waterman Violin Studio
Benjamin Weber
Haddie Weber
Maya Weil
Anna Bittar Weller
Lorenz Weston-Salzer
Carey White
Margaret Whiteside
Kerri Williams
Sabrina Williams
James M Winslow
Elise Winters Violin Studio
D Ann Wood
Ann J. Wood
Elizabeth Wrone
Steffen Zeichner
Susan Zhang
Sharolee Zippro
Wendy Zohar
Kristi Armes Zoller
Albert Zorrilla
These 302 backers generously donated $25,637, which helped bring SuperNova to life by supporting recording, printing, and other expenses!
The melodies from Suzuki Violin School, Volume 1 of The Suzuki Method are copyrighted by the International Suzuki Association and all rights are reserved. Any duplication or distribution of such material is expressly prohibited and the use of such material is limited solely to the use of "Supernova (A Suzuki Tune Explosion).” The material in “Supernova (A Suzuki Tune Explosion)” is not intended to replace, and in no way should preclude, the purchase and/or use of the Suzuki Violin School, Volume 1.
SuperNova is produced and distributed under agreement with the International Suzuki Association and Alfred Music. This work represents the view of its author, and does not necessarily represent the view of the International Suzuki Association or its regional associations. These materials are not intended to replace authorized Suzuki® Method teacher training or study with a qualified Suzuki teacher. Musical notations are from Suzuki Violin Book 1, © 1978, 2008, ISA All Rights Reserved. The Suzuki® name is a trademark of ISA used under license.