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Cutler’s workshops are active strategy sessions on creative problem-solving and teamwork. 

Problem-Solving GAMEs

Half-day, full day,


Turn your challenges into GAMEs, and play to win! Build buy-in and cultivate collaboration while designing innovative solutions to an important issue. Cutler’s breakthrough team-based GAMEs (which stands for Guidelines, Arena, Materials, and Experience) will transform the way your community approaches problem-solving.

Unlocking Innovation

60-90 minutes

Contrary to popular belief, breakthrough ideas are rarely the result of supernatural Eureka inspiration. Rather, innovators possess a toolbox of techniques. After examining secrets to creative success, learn three powerful approaches to generating remarkable, uncommon solutions.


60 minutes

Problem-solving is a team sport. Yet even the most devoted puzzlers are notorious for losing focus and getting off track. Thanks to the miracle of metaphorical technology, the five lenses of Great Gaming Goggles™ offer a powerful approach to aligning your community and boosting productivity.

Particularly Prickly Personalities

60 minutes

Human beings are intelligent, kind, clever, creative, collaborative, funny, and good. They are also imperfect, complicated, neurotic, quirky, hypersensitive, awkward, and wholly insecure. Explained another way, people can by prickly. Examine common species of these personality quirks, matched by anecdotes for overcoming challenges they present.


60 minutes

When solving problems, unfettered creative exploration is imperative. But how can you tell if ideas are any good? What works, what might be better, and what really needs to change? Critical feedback is is crucial. This workshop explores a host of techniques for better giving and receiving critique.


For additional information on Cutler's

problem-solving workshops, visit:


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